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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:个体经营
  • 公司地址: 河南省 郑州 B906,Wanda?Plaza,Zhongyuan?Road,Zhengzhou,Henan,China
  • 姓名: Zhang
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    CBN Grinding Disc For Spring Grinding

  • 所属行业:五金 磨具
  • 发布日期:2018-08-22
  • 阅读量:137
  • 价格:30.00 美元/件 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:10000.00 件
  • 包装说明:carton box with foam box (Gift package is available)
  • 发货地址:河南郑州  
  • 关键词:Abrasive,disc,electroplating

    CBN Grinding Disc For Spring Grinding详细内容

    CBN Grinding Wheel Is Used For Compression Springs Surface Grinding On Double Disc Spring Grinders.
    Materials Of Workpiece: Spring Steels, Stainless Steel And Titanium Alloy.
    Applicable Spring Grinder: Moyer,OMD, Wafios, Dorn, Herckelbout, Hack, Bamatec, Kamatech And Bennet Mahler,Etc.
    Advantages Of Electroplated CBN Grinding Disc:
    Great On Light Diameter Wire < 2 Mm
    Higher Production Rates, Longer Wheel Life And Single Layer Super Abrasive Grain Improves Tolerance
    Dressing Is Not Necessary,Produce Less Heat When Grinding
    Compared With Conventional Wheels, The CBN Wheels Are Only Worn To About One Hundredth, The Spring Load And Free Length Have Been Constanted. Therefor It Greatly Saves The Inspection Time
    Our Used CBN Disc Can Be Stripped And Re-Electroplated With New Grit, If The Steel Body Is Not Damaged
    Hub Type Dicing Blade:
    Exposure(Μm)	380	510	640	760	890	1020	1150	1270	Grit Size
    Kerf Width(Μm)	380 - 510	510 - 640	640 - 760	760 - 890	890 - 1020	1020 - 1150	1150 - 1270	1270 - 1400	#5000
    16 - 20	20 * 380	20 * 510							
    21 - 25	25 * 380	25 * 510	25 * 640						
    26 - 30	30 * 380	30 * 510	30 * 640	30 * 760	30 * 890	20 * 1020			
    31 - 35	35 * 380	35 * 510	35 * 640	35 * 760	35 * 890	35 * 1020			
    36 - 40	40 * 380	40 * 510	40 * 640	40 * 760	40 * 890	40 * 1020	40 * 1150		
    41 - 50	50 * 380	50 * 510	50 * 640	50 * 760	50 * 890	50 * 1020	50 * 1150	50 * 1270	
    51 - 60		60 * 510	60 * 640	60 * 760	60 * 890	60 * 1020	60 * 1150	60 * 1270	
    61 - 70			70 * 640	70 * 760	70 * 890	70 * 1020	70 * 1150	70 * 1270	
    71 - 80					80 * 890	80 * 1020	80 * 1150	80 * 1270	
    81 - 90						90 * 1020	90 * 1150	90 * 1270	
    If you have any questions, please contact us
    欢迎来到河南磨澳超硬材料有限公司网站, 具体地址是河南省郑州B906,Wanda?Plaza,Zhongyuan?Road,Zhengzhou,Henan,China,老板是焦洁。 主要经营加工各种工件。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 - 250 万元。 我公司工程技术人员多名,技术力量强大,具有多年的生产经验,工艺水平**,产品质量严格把关。